Customer Experience

  • Global Experts helps businesses identify which C/4HANA solutions make sense for it — cloud-based, hybrid, or on-prem — and ensures successful integration both within the SAP suite and with third-party products. We work with your teams to determine how to optimize your current technology investments and fill the gap between where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.  Often, realizing these goals in an iterative fashion requires a long-term relationship. One of the biggest questions today is not whether a company should make these changes, but when should the company make these changes? And in what order? That’s where we come in.
    With our experience as one of the first go-to CX teams in the SAP ecosystem, our experts understand the value of creating experiences for your customers — experiences that create a continuous cycle of engagement, understanding, and action on insights. By bringing pre-built solutions and offerings to the market, the focus is on a results-driven perspective and includes highlighting those CX and XM solutions that bring your company the greatest value and ROI. This can only be done seamlessly with an experienced team like ours.
    Let the experts at Global Experts guide you through the business case. Or, if you’re ready, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need for a successful implementation.
  • Experience is the New Competitive Advantage:
    How customers and employees engage with websites and applications makes a big difference in the relationship they have with their work and organizations. Today, the measure of success is how engaging the software is, and how easily it enables employees and customers to accomplish their goals and objectives. There is a greater understanding of the importance of customer experience, but still there are plenty of ways to get it wrong.
    Studies have proven that companies that bring a dedicated and thoughtful approach to designing their products around the customer’s needs outperform their competitors by double digits.
  • A Collaborative Approach Bring together Business and IT Objectives:
    Over the past few years there has been a growing recognition of the importance of the user and customer experience. Many organizations have been providing buzzwords and promises without applying any real rigor or expertise to the process. At Global Experts, we have a dedicated Experience-Driven Design practice since and we have worked with world-class brands to drive tangible changes in the quality of their applications with experience-focused processes, tools, and deliverables. We bridge the divide between business vision and IT objectives.
  • Global Experts Offers:
    User Research
    Job shadowing and interviews that provide insights into user context, behaviours and tasks.
    Persona Definition and Usage Scenarios
    Personas humanize our customers and their users by clarifying their needs and objectives; scenarios remind us of how and why they use our software.
    Experience Prototypes
    Rapid iteration using prototyping tools yields fast, effective adjustments.
    Design System Development
    Integrate design standards with templates and re-usable libraries through the development of a comprehensive design system.
  • Results You Can Count on:
    • Increased Stakeholder Consensus
    • Broader User Adoption
    • Faster Time to Market
    • More Durable Applications
    • Engaging Customer Experience
    • Increase Efficiency
  • Partner with Experience Experts:
    At Global Experts, our user experience expert’s ha the creative strengths of boutique providers and the consultative expertise of a technology provider. Because of this, we are able to smooth the way for better, more productive workflows between business and IT departments.